What if you could increase course engagement & reach more learners?


For course creators & coaches who want to create accessible and inclusive digital materials so they can bridge the digital accessibility gap.

Join the next cohort.

Save my spot in The Digital Fix

Remove Barriers

Reach more Learners

Increase Engagement

Is this you?


  • You believe in creating inclusive and accessible courses, but are unsure of where to start or how to implement best practices. 

  • You want to improve the online experience of your students, but are not clear on some of the barriers learners face when accessing digital content 

  • The wordy accessibility guidelines seem far too technical and confusing to follow.

  • You worry you might have to let go of pretty design choices to make your content accessible.  

  • You are not exactly in your zone of genius - the idea of learning a new skill & adapting existing materials without an understanding of the clear benefits for learners makes you run away from it ... fast!


A course creator typing on a laptop with puzzle pieces on her desk.

It's time to open your digital offers to more learners.


It's time to make sure learners with disabilities AND different abilities can consume your courses when they buy them.


I'll help you make your digital accessibility journey simple & practical so you can put those pieces together and say goodbye to inaccessible digital content and hello to accessible and inclusive digital materials that cater for all learners regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

  • NO MORE 'one size fits all' 

  • NO MORE inaccessible PDFs
  • NO MORE videos without captions

  • NO MORE images without alternative text

  • NO MORE excluding learners from the learning experience

This is exactly why I created The Digital fix: Accessibility Edition. After taking an accessibility in digital learning specialist certification, I shifted my mindset from creating materials that could accommodate some learners who may not otherwise participate in the learning, to building my lessons and courses with accessibility in mind. From the ground up, so that ALL learners can consume, engage and benefit equally from the courses they choose to go on.

Accessible content does not mean dull content. You do not have to sacrifice creativity and engaging elements to make content accessible. What you DO need to do is create learning experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners.

Join the waitlist for the next Cohort

Start transforming your courses into inclusive learning experiences that empower all learners, 

and position yourself as embracing inclusive and ethical teaching practices.


A laptop icon with a play sign on the screen.

Create accessible digital materials - no tech overwhelm


So you can include all learners regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

Hand holding a megaphone.

Learn strategies to support

students & clients


So you can aid engagement with all digital content.

Two speech bubbles one on top of the other.

Develop an action plan - that allows for development


So you can build on ongoing accessibility improvements.

I invite you to join The Digital Fix: Accessibility Edition so you can make a positive impact in digital learning journeys of your students.


 You'll get:

  • small cohort-based programme
  • hands-on experience with dedicated support and focus on your needs
  • getting you from digital accessibility afterthought to digital inclusion
Desktop computer, a tablet, a mobile phone and a laptop showing a graphic mock up of the Digital Fix programme.
Join the waitlist here

The Programme is Filled With

Live Sessions, Tools, Bite-Sized Learning & Simple Strategies

To help you gain a grounding understanding of accessibility and inclusion in digital learning, implement strategies to include all learners & develop your own action plan and systems for ongoing accessibility improvements.

Tick inside a box


So you develop your own systems for ongoing developments

Tick inside a box


To support your journey and test your content

Tick inside a box


So you design digital learning with accessibility in mind

Some wins from the Accessibility in Digital Learning


Headshot of one of the mini-hackathon's participants.

"I just watched the 4 days and am blown away by the actionable information given, the practical things I can do to make my site and content more accessible" 



 ~ KB @ Kimi Brown Conversion Strategist

Headshot of one of the mini-hackathon's participants.

"Thank you for this challenge, it's been really useful and has given me some summer homework to do!."



~ MW @ Michelle Worgan Inclusive Approaches in Primary ELT

Headshot of one of the mini-hackathon's participants.

"Finished Day 4 of the Accessibility Minihackathon, and wow, what a lot there is to learn about improving web design, etc. Thank you Andrea for all the tips to start with baby steps."


~ SS @ Sara Smits Van Oyen Kajabi Builds for Lifestyle Entrepreneurs

Headshot of one of the mini-hackathon's participants.

"In just four days of participating in Andrea's Hackathon, I increased my awareness of digital accessibility and identified ways to adjust my content. By the following day, I was already starting to make positive changes. So grateful for the valuable information, tips, and resources!."


~ HJ @ Heather Johnston ELT Resource Room

What do I get inside The Digital Fix?

Personal support, step-by-step processes and hand-holding all along. Ah.... and no tech overwhelm here.

A banner with the text ´onboarding´.


The first two weeks are mainly community based so we can get to know each other, get you onboarded on the programme, set your personal learning goals and get your first accessibility audit done. There will be a guest speaker session too (more info soon). You also get access to the Accessibility in Digital Learning 101 Mini-Hackathon and the Crafting Captions Sprint trainings straight away.

Introduction to Accessible & Inclusive Design 

In Module 1, we will explore what accessibility in digital learning means, why it's vital to ensure inclusion and engagement and how it can be implemented following the Web Accessibility Guidelines. We will also dig into the principles of Universal Design for Learning and how these can be translated into practical tasks. This module will set the scene for the practical work in the next modules.

A banner with the text ´module 1´.
A banner with the text ´module 2´.

Non-Text Content & Social Media Accessibility 

In Module 2, we will explore the power of alternative text and learn how to write them for a variety of non-text content, including simple images, images of text, gifs & graphs and charts. You will use assistive technologies to test and validate your work as well as establish and implement strategies to make your social media inclusive.

Accessible Navigation 

In Module 3, we will work on an inclusive learning environment. This module focuses on designing digital spaces with seamless and user-friendly navigation, ensuring every student can effortlessly explore and engage with the learning content. We will not only be looking at links, consistent layout, heading structure but also a simple student onboarding on course navigation.

A banner with the text ´module 3´.
A banner with the text ´module 4´.

Accessible Materials 

In Module 4, we will define the many building blocks needed to create accessible course materials and discover tools that can help  in the process. From documents to multimedia materials, we'll explore practical methods to ensure your materials are accessible to learners regardless of their abilities or disabilities fostering an inclusive learning experience.

Wrap Up & Action Plan 

In this last week, we will wrap up the programme, start your second accessibility audit, develop your accessibility statement for your website & transition you to your free 3 months inside the AccessiLab Membership.

A banner with the text ´module 5´.


This is an entry Level Accessibility Programme where you will be able to understand the importance of accessibility in digital learning & develop on the most common accessibility aspects that get learners stuck. For each topic you get a pre-recorded training session, topic toolkit, live or pre-recorded guest speaker session, live get it done co-working session or hot seat, Live Q&A, community support and mini-challenges to help you implement what you've learned. 


What about Bonuses?

Simplify your accessibility systems & get started straight away on creating a learning environment where every student or client can succeed and thrive.

A clipboard with the words bonus 1 on it.

Accessibility Compliance Checklist

Audit your digital content with this starter accessibility compliance checklist to help you create your own accessibility strategy. 

A group of tools with the words bonus 2.

Trello Board Accessibility Toolkit

Resources, Tools & Ideas to get you creating and testing your digital content for accessibility. 

A woman sitting in front of a computer screen with the words bonus 3.

Three months inside AccessiLab

Continue your accessibility journey for ongoing accessibility improvements and support with three months free inside AccessiLab, the Accessibility in Digital Learning Membership.

Not sure if The Digital Fix: Accessibility Edition is for you? Let me tell it to you straight: 


  • this is not a one size fits all, plug and play accessibility template and will require you to think about your own learners and your own context 
  • some tasks can be quite time-consuming but there are tools to help you streamline some processes
  • oh... and I'm also still trying to make a lot of these processes most effective myself 


BUT you are in the right place if

  • you are willing to think outside the box, be a bit of a rebel, experiment, work and rework 
  • you trust that small changes can lead to significant improvements
  • your biggest reward is to see your learners get to where they want to be

Imagine being able to:


  • improve the online user experience 

  • increase engagement in your courses
  • create inclusive and ethical digital learning
  • confidently promote your offers to ALL learners

  • drive more traffic to your offers (and leave no money on the table)

  • be legally compliant with digital accessibility guidelines
  • improve your SEO as a bonus (yes, that's another power of alternative text)

Resources, tools and implementation together with live sessions so you can create a learning environment where every student or client can succeed and thrive. Leave NO ONE behind.

A person typing in an office environment with a pen pot, a desktop computer and a yellow mug of coffee on the desk.
Join the waitlist for the next Cohort here

You may still be wondering...

background image of Andrea, a blonde happy woman in an old style yellow cable car

Hi there, I'm Andrea!


I'm Andrea. Mum to a teenage girl, wife to my best friend (my odd sock), snowboarding and cat lover. I'm a Teacher & Teacher Trainer with a background in Linguistics and Digital Learning Design. Former full-time classroom teacher with over 15 years in the English Language Teaching world helping students and teachers in their learning journeys.

Creative, adventurous and a bit geeky...I love helping teachers and coaches with the many building blocks to create engaging and meaningful digital learning experiences for their students ... so they can move from tech overwhelm to confidence, reach more learners, level up their teaching, course creation experience and create more freedom in life. And guess what...accessibility is one of the many important blocks!

More About Me this way